
Kings Norton & District

Exploring World Faiths

Status:Active, open to new members
When: Monthly

I am U3A National Adviser for Exploring World Faiths and Secretary of Birmingham Council of Faiths and I coordinate a group Exploring World Faiths in Kings Norton U3A.

Monthly sessions will include visits to places of worship of each faith, e.g.church, mosque, temple, synagogue, etc, and in house when we will look at the beliefs and customs of each faith.

Anyone who is interested in the topic is welcome to attend, including those with some previous knowledge or with no previous knowledge, those with a faith or no faith. It is a strictly objective exploration, at which proselytising is strictly prohibited.

  • The Exploring World Faiths started our exploration of Islam with a visit to the Central Mosque, which is a familiar site on the Birmingham skyline.
  • This was an excellent introduction to Islam explaining the 5 Pillars of Islam, and the importance of Ramadan and the Hajj (photos attached)